New website + Nintendo 64 emulation

Hi all, I've soft-launched the new ares website:

Right now there is no content, but it will be the future home for emulator news, downloads, and other resources.

Furthermore, as you can see above, my attempt to emulate the Nintendo 64 proved successful! I managed to complete the initial emulation core in three weeks, the day before the Tokyo lockdown ended.

Note that I am using the Angrylion RDP video renderer for the time being as a major shortcut and to ensure my CPU and RSP cores are well debugged. Replacing it with my own renderer will be a long endeavor, but that is ultimately planned.

Further, the performance leaves a bit to be desired given that everything is implemented as LLE interpreters: I am averaging around 45-50fps on my Ryzen 5 2600 system at stock speeds. I am hoping to increase this in the future through dynamic recompilation, but that will be new territory for me, so it remains to be seen how well that will work out.

But with that said, now that the lockdown has ended, I intend to lightly resume the break I started back in March. I don't want this to be seen as a "farewell" again, so let's say instead that I'll work on the emulator time permitting, just much less frequently than I have been lately, deal? ^-^;

I need some space to address some real-life concerns, and then I'll return in full force to work on ares once again.

Lastly, I am trying to think up some cool ways to show my appreciation to you all. I would really like to offer some form of a Patreon reward, but so far I'm drawing a blank. Ideas are certainly welcome~

Thanks everyone, and stay safe out there!

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