Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well in spite of circumstances right now.
As I've discussed previously, I've now paused my Patreon indefinitely. No one will be charged for May onward until I return to emulator development. I don't have any specific timetable in mind right now. But if things reach a point where it feels better to make it a permanent leave, then I will unlaunch my Patreon page at that time. As before, anyone is welcome to unsubscribe regardless if they would prefer. If I do unpause my project, I will give everyone a full month's notice, as well as offer full refunds to anyone who requests one. Essentially, I would just like to leave the door open, should things improve in my life.
As a short status update from my end, things have been going well and the time away has already begun helping to reduce my stress and anxiety levels. I suspect it will take quite a while longer for my hands to recover more, but I am cautiously optimistic!
I've been taking it easy and enjoying spring here in Tokyo. We recently had some unexpected snowfall amidst the annual cherry blossom bloom, which was one of the most beautiful things I've seen!
Thank you again to everyone who has supported me and kept me going all this time, it's really meant the world to me and brought me a lot of joy and happiness. No matter what the future holds, I wish you all the best! ^-^
© 2020 byuu - www.patreon.com/byuu