State of SNES Emulation - 2010

 badinsults - September 16, 2010

I decided a few days ago to write an article about the state of SNES emulation. I put the various SNES emulators through some tests and commented about what I thought about them.

Click here for article

I should note that I know that ZSNES is in development still, and I hope that next year I can update this!

Sessh - September 20, 2010

Good article there, badinsults. I think I actually found the forum thread where Matthew K(something) was ranting about the state of SNES emulation more interesting. I agree with a lot of what he says there as well. I really wish I could code and program things like this because I would be more than eager to help out and do things right. I would rather have an emulator that did things right instead of half right or "good enough." I've used several NES emulators and split time between Nestopia and VirtuaNES since if one can't do something, the other one can and they can both record in real time. ZSNES is pretty much the only SNES emulator I've used though I did try SNES9x because I wanted to record and found it to be quite buggy. Still, I prefer ZSNES to other emulators and it has never given me a single crash or major problem aside from in-game saving issues with the newest version, but I suppose that's more minor.

I do think MAME is an outstanding emulator, but the thing I don't like is that your existing ROMs may not work when a new version comes out. Personally, I think the best console emulator out there today is Kega Fusion 3.6. SMS, Game Gear, Genesis, Sega CD and 32x games all with one emulator plus it records AVI's and I can say I've never had an issue with anything while using Kega. Save states and in-game saves work great and it's very easy to set paths for those things. Who knows, one day it may also be able to emulate Sega Saturn games as well. It seems there is only one person working on Kega, but I could be wrong about that. Either way, the guy seems to have his priorities in the right place because Kega is wonderful and still getting better with no signs of it being abandoned anytime soon.

I do find it a little discouraging that many of the emulators I've used or are using, be it NES or SNES, are not further along at this stage of the game. I do share Mr. MK's sentiments and I hope things do change and these emulators continue to get better before there's no one left who remembers these consoles with the know-how and desire to put them together and the great games that accompany them. Emulation has come a long way, but it seems there's still a lot left to do.

Just an opinion from the outside. :)

badinsults - October 22, 2010

Looks like everything came to a head here. I had a good chuckle reading this article, which is full of hyperbole and outright false statements. Too bad that byuu doesn't realize that bsnes isn't popular because he is a jerk with an inflated sense of self importance, and he turns off the very people who should be the biggest backers of the emulator (e.g. me).

I.S.T. - October 22, 2010

As I said in, I don't think that's why bsnes is so unpopular. It's that people think SNES emulation is 100% accurate/good enough(When it most certainly isn't) with ZSNES and SNES9x.

I mean, let's face it. Much of the ZSNES team is acidic as well, yet you don't see people stop using ZSNES because the devs are assholes.

That said, byuu is acting like a little pussy here. If you put your program out on the internet, there's bound to be people being assholes about it. It'd be best to just ignore the haters, and work on what you want.

At the same time, the straw that broke the camel's back for him is just... ugh. Yes, that project should have used MSU-1, but I doubt that guy knew about it when he began working.

Sessh - October 22, 2010

Well, at least byuu doesn't have an ego. Oh wait...

I just went looking for the last BSNES version to have movie support and couldn't find a single download place, not even on byuu's site. Did he just take all the old versions down as well? I did stumble onto one of his version release threads and saw him whining in there too. "No matter what I do, someone has a problem with it" and other like comments. I guess he thinks he's perfect and his ego can't handle it when someone points something out or has a suggestion. It seems BSNES has speed problems and has a high CPU requirement.

Oh well, was going to give it a look for accuracy's sake. I'm much more content sticking by ZSNES as the accuracy of this emulator increases. I can't say I've played a game on it and had any problems other than in-game saving, but maybe I'm just playing the right games. Heh

kode54 - October 22, 2010

Yes, he deletes old versions. And the current version, at least with the supported Phoenix GUI, has no support for movies. (The Qt GUI still supports that.)

jj_frap - January 24, 2011

Byuu's brilliant; it's too bad is charisma score's not a bit higher. His contributions to SNES emulation and preservation are laudable (and do not have the reputation they deserve both because of his acerbic personality and because BSNES has been typecasted as the slow emulator...A $500 CAD lappy can run that sonbitch at nearly 3x fullspeed using the compatibility core) and his attempts to consolidate the SNES community around single standards with respect to things like ROM formats, file names, and patch files are appreciated by far too few. The guy's right about pretty much everything, has the accomplishments to prove it, and is able to attract brilliant minds from outside of the SNES emulation community (i.e. Dr. Decap) to take his craft to the next level. It's just unfortunate that he's had to burn so many bridges to accomplish what he has and that he takes so much so personality.

grinvader - January 24, 2011

- it's not a standard when it's just one guy yelling really loud
- you are not qualified to determine if "the guy" is right or not, especially about everything
- his accomplishments prove many things, good and bad
- burning bridges doesn't accomplish much
- noone likes boring stuff when better alternatives are present
- amount of characters / usefulness ratio too high - core dumped

badinsults - January 25, 2011

Yeah, that is basically the thing I stated in my original article. Byuu's attitude is largely "my way or the highway", and it is not constructive. And his "standards" are not necessarily perfect either. He has recently acknowledged that UPS (a largely unnecessary format when it comes to SNES patches) is imperfect. Many people see MSU-1 as an unnecessary add-on that is unlikely to see wide use due to its obscurity. It is awesome he has created an emulator that by and large simulates the SNES hardware with a high level of accuracy, but there is a reason why zsnes is still a popular program, especially in places like Brazil. I don't have $500 laying around to purchase a new laptop that can play bsnes, myself.

Deathlike2 - January 28, 2011

It's the drama behind the scenes that you are missing, which gives grin better insight than those that simply take byuu's side on all things that they do not know the reality of.

alexz721 - February 10, 2011

I remember when everyone liked byuu.

mudlord88- February 22, 2011

That changed ever since byuu turned into a mindless whining douchebag.

He whined so much, that he decided to make a emulator about it.

So he did.

And now thanks to BSNES, everyone wants cycle accuracy for stuff like PS1/N64/other shit were its not needed. The person made cycle accuracy a household name and such a buzzword it now completely lost all meaning. And with the flowon effects of him:

* Wanting to redump ALL ROMs and NEVER release them
* Wanting to make a archive format to support said ROMs
* Wanted to redo the GBX scene too with a GameBoy emulator thats woefully inaccurate.
* Wanting to outlaw ZIP files for some custom shit (see point 2), after abandoning FEX....ROFL

So, the fanaticism around the emulator and the mindless schmoes that follow it.....

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