bsnes - Core 2 Duo 2.4, 2GB, latest drivers

ShadowFX - Mar 20, 2008

I'm getting a bit of audio static in the latest 0.029 (like it can't keep up). I'm sure this has something to do with the changes in this version. I noticed it in the character select screens of MK1 and MK2. I still meet the recommended PC specs (C2D 2.4, 2GB etc. and latest drivers). What strikes me is that some people say this version actually runs faster (?). Using default settings.

Verdauga Greeneyes - Mar 20, 2008

ShadowFX wrote:
I'm getting a bit of audio static in the latest 0.029 (like it can't keep up). I'm sure this has something to do with the changes in this version. I noticed it in the character select screens of MK1 and MK2. I still meet the recommended PC specs (C2D 2.4, 2GB etc. and latest drivers). What strikes me is that some people say this version actually runs faster (?).

Well.. have you tried disabling speed regulation and looking at the frame rate you get? With your CPU it should be well above 60, so the sound problem probably isn't related to that directly.

ShadowFX - Mar 20, 2008

I tried playing when disabled.

I'm getting 57/0 in the MK2 character select screen. Speed has definitely been hit on my machine. No filters used and frameskip 0.

FitzRoy - Mar 20, 2008

Wow, that doesn't make sense. My 1.8ghz C2D pulls 60.

pagefault - Mar 20, 2008

ShadowFX wrote:
I tried playing when disabled.
I'm getting 57/0 in the MK2 character select screen. Speed has definitely been hit on my machine. No filters used and frameskip 0.

Sounds like a vsync/triple buffering issue.

byuu - Mar 20, 2008

What strikes me is that some people say this version actually runs faster (?).

It's odd to me, too. I get 5% slower speeds on every processor I try. It's actually not even because of the CPU<>PPU changes, that sped things up. The speed hit was from the pure C implementation of libco. It still has ASM, but it's built with C. Since I can't use fastcall (not portable to other architectures), it's a bit slower now. But having libco as 100% C was very important for portability. For one, the PS3 port should be directly compilable with no changes now. Just need the libraries.

Eh, maybe I'll look into it a bit more. Speed is getting pretty bad lately, I'm only getting ~80fps on Black Omen with my E6600 now.

I'm getting 57/0 in the MK2 character select screen.

That's way too low. Do me a favor, try editing Settings->Configuration->Advanced-> to "directdraw" and restart. If that helps speed, let me know. It doubles speed on this nVidia Vanta graphics card.

ShadowFX Mar 20, 2008

FitzRoy wrote:
Wow, that doesn't make sense. My 1.8ghz C2D pulls 60.
Got any background programs eating up cpu usage?

Nothing significant. I also usually pulled 60/60 at least.

pagefault wrote:
Sounds like a vsync/triple buffering issue.

As far as I know, bsnes doesn't have these options. Neither is it forced through the Nvidia panel.

byuu wrote:
That's way too low. Do me a favor, try editing Settings->Configuration->Advanced-> to "directdraw" and restart. If that helps speed, let me know. It doubles speed on this nVidia Vanta graphics card.

No difference Sad

I'm using an Nvidia GeForce 7950GT with 169.21 drivers and DirectX Runtime March 2008 (Windows XP SP2).

Maybe it's an idea for you guys to check that particular spot (MK2 character select screen) I mentioned in my previous posts. I've already seen it happening in more games though, so I guess it's 'system wide' for me.

EDIT: I just tried to go back to v0.028 and everything is running perfect in this version!

byuu - Mar 20, 2008

EDIT: I just tried to go back to v0.028 and everything is running perfect in this version!

I'll look into it at home, but really ... not much has changed in v0.029, just a few nicer options here and there. I'll have to recommend staying with v028 for now. Or really, anything at or above v022, where 100% compatibility was reached. All the work I'm doing now is theoretical. Fixing things that games don't use, to be that much more faithful to hardware. And of course, nice little UI enhancements.

Or if you want, I can try sending you the WIPs to find out exactly which version took the speed hit, to verify which change it was. Only if you want to use v029, though. It doesn't seem to be affecting anyone else, though I certainly don't mind tracking it down for you if you like.

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