Der Langrisser English Translation Version 1.0 Released

byuu - Jun 08, 2007

Sorry if this is slightly off-topic, but it is quite relevent to bsnes, as this has been what has consumed roughly half of my free time. Meaning that time will now be going to bsnes instead.

Der Langrisser English Translation Version 1.0 Released

We're all simply exhausted, so I won't write up a speech. Copy it from the PDF manual if you like.

The archive is licensed under:

... meaning, you can host it anywhere you like, but do not modify the archive, please. Specifically, we do not want to see an IPS patch made against this work. We have included patchers for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X that eliminates patching against the wrong ROM, and automatically removes any headers that exist. The patcher literally cannot be any easier than what we have made.

I welcome any and all feedback, bug reports, etc on the programming, and also any bug reports / typos on the translation. We are not at all interested in personal opinions on how the script has been translated.

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