I'm a computer programmer, proficient in c, c++, assembler (x86, 65816, and spc700), php, and various web markup languages. I am also interested in foreign language, specifially East Asian variants. I have studied Japanese for several years, as well as Mandarin for less than a year; although I am not really proficient in either yet.
I have gone by many names over the years. Presently, I go by byuu almost exclusively. The name does not translate well into Mandarin, so there I go by lin xiaolang. I used to use setsuna, as you can see in my subdomain, but I stopped using that name a while ago. An even older name I used to use was ayamaru, which is just the Japanese kun-yomi reading of byuu.
My website is a collection of the various projects I have worked on, as well as some of the tools I have written.
I am presently writing my own SNES emulator, bsnes. My goal is not to create the best SNES emulator, but to reverse-engineer as much of the system as I can, and document my findings; so that they can be used to improve the overall accuracy of all SNES emulators. In the future, I plan to post my documentation to this site as well.
I am the lead programmer in the Der Langrisser translation for the Super Famicom, a project that has been active for nearly half a decade. The programming has been completed, as well as the translation. All that remains is meticulous script editing, and that work will be posted to this website as well. I have also personally reprogrammed Dai Kaijuu Monogatari to use an English text system, but am unable to proceed with the project due to lack of a translator. I am not confident enough in my Japanese abilities to attempt the translation alone. I also routinely assist various SNES programmers with their projects behind the scenes.
I have also authored various tools for use with SNES programming. Several SNES programmers have relied on my cross assembler for their projects.
As if I don't have enough to keep me busy: I also like to draw, and redigitize existing artwork using Photoshop. I would like to someday create a gallery of my works on this site.
© 2006 byuu - archive.is/UegDG