bsnes - bsnes v. ZSNES

Jipcy - Sep 20, 2005

I'm excited to try out your next release.

Can you highlight some games that your emulator runs better than ZSNES/snes9x/SNEESE?

byuu - Sep 20, 2005

No savestates for now, for reasons I won't discuss just yet. They'll be there eventually, though.

Can you highlight some games that your emulator runs better than ZSNES/snes9x/SNEESE?

Better than ZSNES?
Final Fantasy 5 title isn't misaligned
Final Fantasy 6 cursor doesn't vanish randomly
Star Ocean battles don't run too fast
Madara 2 intro isn't chaotic
Metroid 3 top status panel looks correct
Goodbye, Anthrox mode7 zoom looks correct
SNES test program passes
Modes 3,4,7 direct color, Mode 7 mosaic + EXTBG work
Interlaced sprites work (really only used in Blues Brothers)
Anything that relies on open bus working correctly

I don't test with SNES9x/SNEeSe enough to know any of its bugs, but I imagine they're far less common.

Now as for games it runs worse... probably everything else not listed above.

No support for DSP1-4, SA-1, Super FX/2, Toaster, BSX, ST, OBC, ST-01n, peripherals, lots of CPU/PPU/APU/DSP bugs to be found, sound buffering is non-existant...

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