
FitzRoy - Aug 31, 2005

As some of us may or not know, byuu released a new version of his snes emulator last week. byuu, although I'm sure the resources for help are better today than in the past, you ARE a code monster. Seriously, the level your emu is at now from when you started is crazy. I am also pleasantly surprised by how often you post updates, and the detail with which you blog. It's interesting to see your train of thought in the progress of your emu. So yeah, just wanted to let you know that you rock since I've never seen anyone post a bsnes update here yet.

I read your recent log and... until now I had no idea that you knew next to nothing about sound. Naturally, my hopes for a 1-2 punch emu were once again somewhat dashed. As an outsider who knows not much at all about code, I can only be so critical and frustrated with the stagnance in snes sound emulation right now. A lot of great, accurate emus out there, but the same ol "sound is a real bitch" issue that just puts a grinding halt to the possibility of snes ultimacy. I've pretty much given up hope of zsnes ever getting the sound issues fixed. We're lucky to get a gamefix at all anymore in the wips. Understandably, but true.

Anyways, I'm sure TRAC knows how godlike his sound code is, and probably has his reasons for not wanting to entrust it to other emulators. Additionally, he probably knows that if he doesn't, any hope of snes ultimacy will continue to be snuffed out. I guess what I'm getting at here is: WHO IS THIS TRAC!? Very Happy: Why is he so good and what will it take to get him to team up with someone like you?

The Giver - Aug 31, 2005

TRAC writes SnEeSe. I'm sure he's willing to share info, but I doubt he'd want to merge the two emus.

FitzRoy - Aug 31, 2005

The Giver wrote:
TRAC writes SnEeSe. I'm sure he's willing to share info, but I doubt he'd want to merge the two emus.

I know, I mean, besides that... That's all I know, seriously. He's very mysterious.

byuu - Aug 31, 2005

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

TRAC is more than willing to help, and I've been nagging him the past couple of days on IRC for info. He's an awesome guy. I just hope I can keep from annoying him too much while I'm catching up to speed. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me using his sound code, the problem is that our emulators are very different, and it isn't exactly trivial to just merge his work into my emulator. Not to mention, it would be disrespectful to TRAC to do that. And, more importantly, I'm writing this so that I can understand the system. We won't get anywhere by cutting and pasting misc. emulators together.

Seriously, the level your emu is at now from when you started is crazy.

Hm, you think so? I always thought development was kind of slow, especially given that old saying, "The road is always quicker for the second traveller"...

Anyway, everyone else is still making a lot of great progress too (anomie, TRAC, Overload, pagefault, Nach, etc), they just don't talk about it as much as I do. They deserve more props than I do.

Nach - Aug 31, 2005

FitzRoy: If you would see what goes on in IRC for a while, it won't seem so mysterious.

And we are teaming up in ways, although I won't give out any details on that at the moment.

Regarding using TRAC's sound core, he gave permission for it to be put into ZSNES. pagefault is supposed to be working on that, and I'm waiting for that to be completed before I tackle any of the major things I wanted to do to ZSNES.

byuusan wrote:
Anyway, everyone else is still making a lot of great progress too (anomie, TRAC, Overload, pagefault, Nach, etc), they just don't talk about it as much as I do. They deserve more props than I do.

Oh please, what progress am I making? Yes I can spice up an emulator, but make progress on emulation? I barely know anything about emulation. I do for emulation what ipher does for the GUI.

It's anomie, TRAC, Overload, you, and formerly people such as zsKnight, Gary, _Demo_, pagefault that do all the real progress.

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