Site redesign / New address / New bsnes version

I redesigned my site to be a simpler version of my old site design. I missed the artwork on the left-hand side. Since IE7 is supposed to support PNG alpha-transparency, I went ahead and added that back in. So that means that once again: this page will look horrible in IE6 and below. Too bad.

Derrick is dropping soon, so I will need to move my site as a result. It is temporarily at, and I'm guessing it will eventually be at in the near future. Rather than keep moving my site around, I decided to invest in a domain name instead. Therefore, I've registered, which will serve as a redirect to this site: wherever it may be. Please update your bookmarks to

Also, as a result of the address move, I went ahead and released a new version of bsnes. While it does fix many serious bugs, the main reason I am releasing this is so that other websites update their links to my site before goes black.

bpanel has come to a standstill again. I'm having trouble deciding on a compromise between functionality and ease of use. On one hand, I want something more like xfce4's panel; but on the other, I really like the flexibility of my current panel. But then if I decide to use my current panel, I'm afraid it might be better to move the widget code into its own plugin. The code would be a lot easier to work with that way, at least... I don't know. I never got around to making that default template, so... I'll need more time to figure out what I want to do with that.

As for the direction of this site in the future... given that I now have a domain, I want to present a more professional appearance. So for now, I've removed the rants section. Maybe I'll move that over to my LiveJournal page and get some use out of that. As for this page, I don't know if I want to keep all of my stuff on one website, or split it into various subsites. The layout works great for the pages I have now, but won't look so good with things I have planned: like the SNES reverse engineering documentation, my artwork page, etc.

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