The future of this site

If you've read, then this should not come as news, but for those who haven't: Derrick is closing his site, and selling the domain. This will probably take place within two months time.

First and foremost, I want to thank him for hosting my website for the past year or two (I'm terrible with time), free of charge. It's impossible these days to find a host that gives you PHP access, with no banners/popups, and that won't shut you down for expressing unpopular opinions (a fate both Derrick and I have met before), for free.

So what do I do now? Who knows. It's rather obvious looking around here that little is going on. Dai Kaijuu Monogatari hasn't been updated since October, Der Langrisser looks even worse. Even bsnes hasn't seen anything more than two WIP builds in the last month or two. That's not to say I plan to discontinue anything: more that I'm just a lazy bastard. The problem is that I just can't seem to keep morale and motivation up on projects after a few months of working on them, no matter how much I initially care about them. Resulting in months of inactivity. The pattern should be pretty clear by looking at the timestamps on the Dai Kaijuu Monogatari pictures.

Anyway, point being: I'm not giving up on anything, but I doubt I'll be looking for a new webhost when The Second Dimension is sold to whoever. I'm moving within the next two months or so to a new apartment, which means a new ISP. Perhaps if they have a free website deal involved, I'll throw something up. No doubt it will be shit, though. There's no doubt an ISP webhost won't have cgi access. Kind of depressing, as it took me two years to get my site on the first page of search engine results; above the several hundred spam sites offering "game reviews" and message board profiles of people who thought it'd be cool to use the name byuu after DeJap released their translation of Bahamut Lagoon. And now I have to move my site to another address. Again. I don't really like the way the color scheme is working on this layout, anyway.

On the bright side of things: another move means I get to start telling myself that "things will be different this time", and that it'll be "a fresh start" to "get motivated working on my projects again". Yeah. Maybe if I keep saying it, I'll believe it this time. Ah, I'm so optimistic, it's scary.

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