Merry Christmas

Here's hoping yours was better than mine. I spent the first 16 hours by myself in the dark, as the power here was out since the 24th. With no heat, the inside temperature was ~45F degrees. No power meaning no food (all of mine is frozen / ramen), no stores open to get food, no way to get my ice-covered car out from its parking spot even if I could get food, no snow-plows to clean the roads so that they would be driveable even if my car was mobile, no money to get that food even if I could, and no job to get money to get that food, since Columbus, OH is a shithole and one of the leading cities in US unemployment (which I'm not eligible for since I'm not technically a resident here).

I have to give the city credit, though. I figured they'd wait until the 26th or later to fix the power, since it's a holiday. I guess the power went off in one of the repair guy's houses as well, or something.

Since I had a bit of time, I threw in a few quick fixes to bsnes, and posted a new version up. Sorry it's so late in the day, but I'm sure you can understand why now.

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