A small article regarding ZSNES

First and foremost, this seems like the correct forum as this is related to the current and possibly future development of ZSNES; as well as related to other SNES emulators in general. If not, my bad.

I've written a small article detailing a semi-significant problem that is encountered with all present SNES emulators. I'm only posting the link here as Nightcrawler asked permission to do so, and I wanted to say some things beforehand.

The topic is the limitations encountered on real systems (ex: writing to VRAM outside of VBlank), their lack of appearance in emulators, and the mission statements of various authors. It is geared towards ZSNES primarily because it is the emulator I am most knowledgeable in, I am not targeting it explicitly.

As with any opinion piece, I expect it to upset many people whom will probably resort to personal attacks and such. I'm not going to bother defending myself on this article, so I'd just like to say this in advance.

The article is just a general observation me and a few of my colleagues have noticed. It is not making any accusations, merely raising questions. It has avoided being overly technical so that everyone could read it. I try and minimize the term 'ZSNES', because the purpose of the article applies to all emulation, not just ZSNES, and not just the SNES. I've tried to be fair, and cover all sides of this story. I've mentioned all the people I know about who are working on these issues, and all exceptions that I am aware of. I'm sure I've missed some things, as well. I'd be happy to followup the article if my information is incorrect, or missing key points. But ultimately, I'm still pointing out flaws in other peoples' free works, so it's bound to be taken offensively by others. I know how this feels firsthand, as I have been on the receiving end before. I'm not saying that anyone should have to fix anything I've mentioned, and I'm not saying I'm ungrateful for the amazing work anyone has done so far. We are very fortunate to have ZSNES and other SNES emulators at all. Lastly, the article has been proofread by Mr. D per the standards of articles on the2d.com, so it is not all 1:1 my exact wording. Some of the messages may be slightly misconveyed from my intentions. With that said, I apologize in advance to anyone I've offended with this article. I am also willing to work with you all on the issues I've raised. If you would like a more technical explanation of any of the bugs I've encountered, I'd be happy to work with you in seeing them fixed. Send me a message at: byuusdropbox@yahoo.com

Without further ado, the article in question: http://www.the2d.com/content/view/125/29/

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