I've started a new translation project, Langrisser II. I always said I would help work on it when Der Langrisser was finished, and since that is close enough to finished, I decided to go ahead and start on l2. I have figured out the compression used on the title screen and 8x8 font, and got new ones inserted. The title screen was designed by Mr. D, based off of the Der Langrisser one. The 8x8 font is my own, I threw it together in a few seconds, so it's very likely going to change. I've made the page for it as well, with screenshots of the new English title screen and name select screen. I don't know 680x0 assembly, and even though I could try and learn it, there isn't a single Genesis emulator with a debugger that is useable for what I need... but hopefully, with Mr. D's assistance, we can end up making Langrisser II look as professional as our other works. ~ byuu
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