spc700 assembler / disassembler ; new xkas

Spent the last 4 days writing a good 60+kb of c++ code, to make an spc700 disassembler, and then accompanying assembler. Luckily I got to reuse a good portion of xkas (I don't count that in the amount of code I wrote this week...), so it wasn't too horrible. Much to my surprise, the disassembler took longer than the assembler, due to the monotonous nature of disassemblers. I believe this to be the first standalone, public domain spc700 cross-assembler. But maybe it isn't, not like I would use someone elses had they released one anyway, right? I'm glad that the documentation on the spc700 has made zero headway in the last, oh, 6 years or so. It was a lot of fun dealing with errors in the opcode tables of every single thing I looked at, including zsnes and gau's tasm table file. Although I'm sure I'll be the only one using the spc assembler, hopefully this will usher in a new musical era of... musical games, for a ~12 year old system. Yay. I also put up a new version of xkas. To be honest, it wasn't ready for release, as I have not finished support for the D register with assume. But it has just been sitting there for the past few weeks/months with no progress, and I added some neat things, so I posted it anyway. The other reason was, documentation. Yes, after 3 years or so, my cross-assemblers now have documentation. I'm going to be pretty busy the next few weeks, so don't expect any updates, I'm afraid... I wanted to get this out beforehand, and it looks like I succeeded. Lastly, you'll notice I forced the page height to 1024, that's so the scroll bar doesnt kick the page contents over to the left/right when you switch between short and long pages. I also scrapped the 100% height code on the right hand contents menu, since some browsers can't render the height properly when pictures are included on the page. ~ byuu

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