Der Langrisser (Derrick Sobodash)

Der Langrisser is the story of how a war for power between the forces of good, evil and everyone in between, engulfed an entire continent plunging its people into the chaos of war.

The story follows a young man, Erwin, who has spent the last several years traveling the countryside since his mentor, Doren, was killed defending him. One day while resting in a calm village, imperial forces invaded throwing the town into chaos. His chance encounter with a shrine maiden, Liana, and the captain of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights, Leon, would draw him into a war where he'd be forced to follow or fight his destiny as a descendant of light.

Several others and I have been working on this game for over two years now. In that time, we've translated almost 90% of its script totaling over 3,000 pages of Japanese text, as well as performed advanced modifications to the game at system level to give this classic game the level of professional translation games are only just now beginning to see.

Currently, progress has been moving slow as after two years, we're all very tired. But it will be completed eventually. Only a moderate amount of hacking work remains on the game and Byuu will be handling the rest of that. Oogami and I are translating the remainder of the script and then Eric and I will begin the long, long process of editing it.

Unfortunately, this translation will not be publicly released and Byuu does not wish to make any of the work open source. Over the years we've taken a lot of flack about this project and we don't feel a public release is worth it. We've had enough criticism and bad press for two lifetimes so this project is only for us and our friends to enjoy.

Screenshots are being released not to rub it in anyone's face, but to show off what we have accomplished. Only two years ago, one of the most respected hackers in the translation world said that the modifications we have achieved today would be absolutely impossible to do on this game. This work is a tribute to an ideal: with hard work and dedication, absolutely anything is possible.

© 2003 Derrick Sobodash -