Finally, a game everyone can play without that sickening feeling of illegality that surrounds everything we do. A Japanese guy, goes by the name of Buster, has on his website a little platformer game for PC (Windows) named Akuji the Devil. And it rocks. Rocks your face, even. It’s still in Japanese though, but D-BOY has taken time out from his busy schedule of hating everyone and has given the game a proper English translation!
It involves you, Akuji, the demon, traveling through a labyrinth to have your vengeance on the hero who banished you there in the first place, thousands of years ago. Or something. It’s not important. What matters is that this game is ultra wicked (you heard me), and everyone is ordered to download and play the game. It’s fun, it’s legal, and most of all, it’s free.
Go here to get the patch, or you can go to D-BOY’s site to get the prepatched program. Whichever you do, make absolutely sure to get the 1.0.2 update, so that it doesn’t crash on ya.
UPDATE: Due to D-BOY’s quitting romhacking and removing everything from his site, his translation is sadly not available. He also asked us at the Whirlpool to remove all his work on all of his projects, so you won’t find it here either. Instead, you can go to.. uhh, I dunno. I guess you’re screwed. Sorry kids.
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