I am responsible for the hacking of this game. I have nothing to do with the translation. Please see JumpStation or No-Life for this. Below is just a summary of what I have done/have yet to do.
What's Done:
Decompressed 8x8 font/title screen graphics
Conversion between decompressed data binary files and 16 color bitmap files
Insertion of decompressed data
12x12 font hack to 8x12 [In the process of recoding]
16x16 bmp()bin conversion
16x16->8x16 conversion
16x16 window resizing
16x16 text insertion [All 4 systems + 3 conversions rerouted to allow infinite text]
16x16->8x16 load screen
12x12 script insertion
8x8 text relocation for names+class names
Name entry screen 8x8<>8x12 conversion [All 3 systems + 3 conversions synchronized]
...And more! (tm)
What's Not Done:
Expand available text for intro
© 2002 byuu - archive.is/dLugZ