D-BOY, owner of the famed JumpStation, put up a quick little blurb (if such things can indeed be called “blurbs”) today stating that Byuu has returned from whatever kind of pit he fell in, and is ready to continue his work on Der Langrisser (SNES). It’s about damn time too! I mean, it’s been forever since this translation was started. And I’m not about to try that stupid langfandood hack. Anyway, good news all around. WAOOOOON!
UPDATE: D-BOY has directed me to a post on his message board (which was put up after I posted this, ahem.. see, my journalistic integrity survives!) In it he says that although Byuu’s reappeared, he’s not really sure he wants to continue working on Der Langrisser, for whatever reason. D-BOY should get a definite answer from him this weekend though. Cross them fingers!
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