"illusion translations"

had to remove rant cause host was complaining of bandwidth problems o_O now... i am sure you have all heard of "illusion translations", well, i tried contacting this guy to tell him that we have already finished bl, and are just polishing everything. he of course being 14 years old starts by insulting kammedo because he accidentally put 2000 for last update and he [tetrisfrog] is not capable of realizing this from the fact that every other post has 2001. so he thought we were dead. without even emailing us first, and of course, just like every other come and go bl translation, he says, "i am not going to give up no matter what even if you finish before me i will finish and my patch will be better than yours, it will be the best there is", strong words coming from someone who has to use another groups [terminus] work, especially when they cant hack and are going around asking all the asm hackers to help them, although no one will, cause theyre not stupid, hehe. so now he thinks, not being able to hack, or translate for that matter, that he is going to make a patch that is better than mine and kammedo's, and even neill corlett's patches, huh? yeah... right.... to be honest, not even terminus has a 100% patch for bl in french. if you ever actually play it you will realize that the party screen fonts/texts are not translated at all. thats like not translating the menus in a game such as ff5, imagine if they didnt translate any menus from item/magic/equip/etc. all the way in, and left the japanese font in at that. would you still call that 100%? nope... 100% french translation means 0% japanese. so no, its not the first game to ever be released in french before english because it isnt finished yet. its so obvious they rushed their work to try and say that.... its a shame... also this illusion group, they are translating from japanese to french to english. it is VERY obvious from the pics on their site, just look at the translation. there is practically no context whatsoever in them, and not a single screen is translated proplerly. but when i asked him, he said he was translating directly from japanese to english, and yet when i asked him a question in japanese he said nothing... how strange :/ so youre asking, why do i care then? well, i am most certainly not worried about him making a better patch than us, cause that just isnt going to happen. period. but i am worried that they are going to go and release some piece of shit translation for bl before we finish, sure, we could release a piece of shit patch that is "100% translated" in terminus terminology :P but we want to actually finish the game for real before we release something, and trust me, no game has yet to see the level of detail we have put into this game, over a year and a half of pure asm hacking by 2 asm hackers.... and kammedo is one of the best in the scene. we all know how people can be impatient, once a bl patch is out everyone will rush to use the first thing available and THIS is what i fear... everyone will get the wrong idea about bl and think its storyline sucks, and i dont think the static 12x12 and 8x8 fonts everywhere but the main dialogue [which isnt even utilized properly, just look at i,l,and t on their pics] is going to leave a very good impression. all i can say is, please people, you have waited years for BL, its almost done. it will be out this year, i am almost certain of that.... i guarantee it will be far worth it to wait 3 months for a professional, true 100% literal, fully asm hacked translation. our translation is also done by one of the best japanese to english translators in the scene... and no, it isnt tomato. [note i am not saying anything about tomato's quality. im saying it isnt him that is all.] also, tetrisfrog was insulting our screenshots/fonts which is just stupid. the pics are low quality, and the fonts have since been replaced, i have asked just about everyone on irc, and everyone else i know which fonts they like best, and we have the best of such fonts in bl. we arent missing any minor details in this translation. i would like some feedback however, do you think we should shadow release them? by that i mean, when they release something we release a beta? just so that people will at least get a proper japanese to english translation for the game for those that are impatient? or should we just wait, and do this right? are you impatient? would you wait for our translation if it were far superior in terms of quuality in every aspect from hacking to translation? send me an email.

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