Hello senior guys & older women & welcome to the show.Here we have a few screenshots of our latest work on BL (check project page, I apologize for the bad quality, will do something for that asap), and some exclusive new underground informations about the progress of this so-called translation project : the Item descriptions are 100% translated, thanks to Graywords (again), insertion is underway. More progress has been made with reinsertion as you can see from the BL project page."Dude, so what's left?" you'll ask. Good question. Some more things. Like Group-on-Group battle 8x8 font engine, main Dialogues reinsertion -sigh- and...umm...oh,well, as for the rest we'll see ^^. Oh, Byuu is back, he implemented a very nice BL scripts editor (actually he calls it OS but I dunno why), and sended it to Fear Gaia. Fear Gaia has still to report his situation right now, but as soon as I know I'll let YOU know (should happen in the next days). Ok, and now to more complicated things. See we are talking about politics here. Yes man. French group is translating BL too. 80% finished (at least it seems so). I didn't have enough contacts with them to tell you more. As for our project, this situation will not stop our work, don't worry. We are getting closer to completition, and once the main dialogues are translated and inserted we may release something like a beta-patch.We'll see. As for now, have a look at the new screenies. Ciao.
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