Yonin no Translators (Kammedo)

Back from death again.
Hah. Surprised? _TWO_ updates in _ONE_ month? "This cannot be!!" you'll think. Well, I have to tell you something : you just tought WRONG. K, after we cleared that misunderstanding (did I wrote it right ?), we can go on with my work and tell you the latest news. Bahamut Lagoon of course, what else could it be (well, it could be way more if I weren't working alone on the project :/. I have a bunch of nice ideas - for new projects - that are floating in my mind...check back for more news)? Ok, I got the scripts from Graywords (like I said) and managed to reinsert them without resizing the ROM - man I love compression - and as soon as i get the next scripts I'll do the same. Ah, I rewrote the font engine, and am now working on the 12x12 engine, which reminds me...BYUU, WHERE THE $&§/$&§/(&$ HECK ARE YOU???? - sorry for that but I simply had to. If someone encounters him out there please report in. thanks.

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