Hi all. Kammedo here right back from College with a nice Update for your 3y3s only. Sorry for not having updaten often, but I think it's bedder to update rarely and good rather that often but having nothing to tell :P. First news: Chibibunny disappeared. Where are you, Chibi?????? If you read this please send me a mail!!!!!!! Ok, second news: We got another translator working :). I'll tell more when I know more about it.Third : Someone else joined the Project : Byuu. Yes, you readed right. BYUU. He knows ASM very well, and already reduced the 12x12 font to a simple 8x12. Great work Byuu. I putted a picture with the new resized font on it in the picture page. Check it out if you want. You shouldn't oversee it haw! :P Fourth : TruPlaya disappeared again too *argh*.Reason : He's got a job. Hope you get back VERY soon because it's getting really interesting down here TruPlaya :D ! Fifth: the 8x8 Font is in the works. We hope to reduce that too, since it phisically IMPOSSIBLE to write the translated names, item names etc. as 8x8.The project goes on guys. More to come, keep on having contact. Roger.
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